Veterinary Rehab Specialist, Agility and FCI Obedience Competitor Lets You in on Dog Fitness Training Secrets …

FUNdamentals K9
conditioning course

expert secrets of
canine conditioning

...In a Fun, Easy, and Effective Way in as Little as 10 Minutes per Day

6 weeks of done-for-you guided workout plans.
25 easy-to-follow exercises.
Bond. Improve performance. Reduce the risk of injuries.
Fun training from the comfort of your home.
Minimal equipment needed.
Takes as little as 10 minutes per day.
Trusted by competitors and backed up by science.

Watch the Video Below and Learn Why You Should Start With Dog Fitness Today!

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FUNdamentals K9 conditioning course is designed by Jana Gams, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner, an Active Competitor in Agility and FCI Obedience

Don’t miss out!

As Seen On


Active D4M Academy Members


Course Enrollments


Countries That Our Members Come From

Here's Why the Majority of Dog Owners and Trainers Never Reach Their Dog's Full Potential ...

It’s pretty simple, actually.

They focus waaaay too little on the strengthening aspect of training.

Instead, dog owners often rely on mere walks or play sessions with toys, which fail to fully fulfill their dogs’ needs.

As a result, this neglect leaves their dogs unprepared for any activities, whether it be training, competing, working out, or simply enjoying hiking, fetching toys, and playing with other dogs.

This lack of preparation also increases the risk of injuries.

Something as basic as throwing a ball can end badly.

Did you know that a play of fetch is one of the most played games with our dogs and at the top of injury-inducing games at the same time?

Quick stops, turns and twists put the dog’s body into positions that are hard to handle, and thus increase the risk of getting injured.

Imagine …

If something as basic as throwing a ball can have such dire consequences, how do you think engaging in high-power activities like agility, frisbee, or any other dog sports will turn out?

All those high-intensity sprints, jumps, weaves, turns, twists, accelerations, decelerations, and changes of direction …

However, living in constant fear and refraining from engaging in any activities with them is clearly not a solution.

Because deep down you already know the hardcore truth, right?💡

Dogs Are the Ultimate Athletes!
They Require an Active Lifestyle for Optimal Health and Happiness.

If you truly want a happy, long, active, and healthy life (and sports career) of your dog, their good physical preparation should be your number 1 priority!

Taking part in daily activities is not only good for their physical health, but also their mental health …

It’s also a great way for you and your canine companion to bond in a new way.

Canine conditioning is a type of workout based on a number of specific exercises that aim to improve your dog’s:

  • Strength
  • Endurance
  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Flexibility
These are key in bettering your dog’s physical form and preventing injuries.

With regular and appropriate exercises you will also improve the longevity of your dog and keep them fit and mentally entertained throughout their life, all from puppyhood to senior years.

What could be a better solution than spending as little as 10 minutes per day on a couple of fun and beneficial conditioning exercises?

Anywhere, anytime, and with minimal equipment needed.

Discover the Ultimate Dog Fitness Blueprint:
Master the 4 Key Pillars for Success with Your Dog

FUNdamentals K9
conditioning course

1. Precision Training:

Achieving Pinpoint Accuracy for Optimal Outcomes

  • Get better control of your dog’s hind legs
    Most dogs struggle with this.
  • Improve sports performance and everyday life
    Walking your dog is not enough to achieve this.
  • Increase body awareness and accuracy in tasks
    They’ll know exactly where their feet are at all times.

2. Building Better Bodies:

The Path to Increased Muscle Strength and Improved Balance

  • Improve general physical strength and endurance
  • Improve and maintain the dog’s physical condition over break periods
  • Return to training, sports, or normal life without any injury concerns

3. Sharpening the Mind:

Developing Laser-Focus and Mental Stability

  • Maintain focus for longer periods of time
  • Boost your dog’s confidence
  • Build relationship and trust

4. Overcoming Obstacles:

Transforming Weaknesses into Unstoppable Advantages

  • Develop body balance
    Having a weaker body part overloads the spine and increases the risk of injuries.
  • Improve active range of motion
    The flexibility of joints, soft tissues, and spine.

This Course Is Ideal For:

Sporting &
Working Dogs

➤ Decrease the risk of injury

➤ Increase accuracy in tasks

➤ Enhance peak performance

Family &
Older Dogs

➤ Improve the longevity of your dog

➤ Keep your dog fit and mentally stimulated

Puppies &
Young Dogs

➤ Start as early as 9-10 weeks of age

➤ Help your dog to learn how to use their body in safe, controlled and low-impact conditions at first

The Success Stories of Trainers and Competitors
Speak for Themselves

I started working with Jana almost 3 years ago and ever since, she has been an indispensable part of our training plan. She is always there for us – for conditioning plan and workout (her tips on how to get a specific move from your dog are priceless) or regular preventive check ups and massages.

Regardless of what your dogs needs are, Jana always adapts to their individual needs. She is kind and with an amazing feeling and desire to help dogs to be in best shape possible. She gives her heart into every single one of her animal clients and treats them as they were her own. I’m grateful I have a chance to work with such a person as Jana is. And seeing how my dogs adores her, I’m quite certain they feel the same. Thank you Jana!

Lea Komat – Slovenia
Agility competitor and instructor, member of Slovenian national team since 2016
Perfect class for building balance and strength for my dogs, super easy to understand and very good feedback!
Lisa Frick – Austria
International dog trainer and handler – 4 times world champion, vice European champion

Dogs give their best every time they step on the training/competition field and doing my best to keep them healthy and physically prepared for all the challenges, is something I owe them as the owner and handler. And just because of that, Jana’s conditioning classes are a huge part of our training and warming up/cooling down routine.

All exercises are designed in a way to make it as safe for the dog as possible, she puts a lot of attention to details (which is REALLY important when we come to conditioning) and on top of that, Jana knows really well how to adapt to every individual dog and give them what they need the most (when you have breeds that are not really “social butterflies”, working with someone who understands dog’s character is really important).

So thank you Jana for your great classes and for all the “live” training and check-ups! It means a lot to me, to have someone so skilled watching over my dogs!

Katarina Podlipnik Capuder – Slovenia
Dog trainer, founder of FUNtastic dog training, multiple AWC and EO medalist

FUNdamentals Conditioning course is a very interesting and wonderful courses.

I learned many useful exercises for my dogs. I liked the very detailed and understandable explanation of each exercise, a lot of attention is given to the safe execution of exercises.

My dogs perform exercises every week during our walks, at home, before training. And they do theirs with pleasure!

Elena Murashova – Russia
World champion of FMBB in FCI Obedience in Germany (2017), Slovenia (2018); Vice-champion in Czech Republic (2019)

You are just one click away from discovering the expert secrets of dog fitness!

The 3-Part Game Plan for Your
Dog Conditioning Routine

Here's exactly how you'll do it:

Step 1

Set Good Foundations:

With 5-minute Skill Time lessons, you will develop understanding, confidence, and achieve proper form.

You will work on things like:

  • How to activate muscles in the correct pattern
  • How to move
  • How to transfer weight
  • How to keep balance
  • How to react to certain moves
  • How to use the gear

You will want to polish the isolated exercises first before moving on to the workouts.

Step 2

Proceed to Workout Weeks and Start Working Out:

To start building strength, you will begin working out with your dog by loading their muscles. It’s important to maintain proper form while executing exercises.

There are 6 weeks of done-for-you guided workout plans waiting for you. 

Each week comprises 3 combined full-body workouts and 2 training opportunities to focus on your foundational skills.

You have the flexibility to work at your own pace, with the goal of completing 5 training sessions lasting 5 to 15 minutes each per week.

Step 3


The final step is crucial to prevent your dog’s progress from plateauing and to help them continue to gain strength.

Once your dog has built a solid foundation and is ready, you can gradually increase the load and level of difficulty of the exercises to challenge them at a new, yet reasonable, level.

Each exercise is accompanied by tips on how to progress. Therefore, once you complete the initial round of Fundamentals, you can revisit the course and redo it with exercises of increased difficulty, enabling you to further advance and progress.

Simply Choose the Exercises From the Skill Room
or Follow Done-for-You Weeks
with Guided Workout Plans

Perform Isolated Single Exercise Sets or
Combine Them into Full-Body Circuit Training:

Perform Isolated Single Exercise Sets or Combine Them into Full-Body Circuit Training:

Exercises for The Front
– The Steering Wheel

Jumping puts a lot of pressure on a dog’s forelimbs. To prevent injuries, strengthen your dog’s shoulders, toes, and wrists. This provides better support during jumps and other high-power exercises.

Exercises for The Rear
– The Engine

The rear end acts as the engine of a dog’s body, responsible for pushing them forward. Improving your dog’s rear-end strength enhances their acceleration and takeoff power and provides support to commonly injured joints, such as the hips and knees.

Exercises for The Core
– The Stabilizer

The core muscles are the true stabilizing mechanism of the body. A stable core is crucial for providing better balance and stability. When the core is weak, the body compensates by overloading other muscles, increasing the risk of injuries.

Full-Body Workouts

We have prepared 6 weeks of done-for-you training plans, that combine exercises to hit all major muscle groups in a single training session. This allows for shorter recovery time and more frequent training sessions. Exercise

Bonus 1: Mobility Exercises

Active stretching and mobility exercises prevent muscle tightness and shortening, which improves power and reduces the risk of injury. Use this cool-down routine after agility runs or in weekly workouts to improve your dog’s flexibility and range of motion.

Bonus 2: Skill Room

This is where you’ll find all foundation exercises thoroughly explained: benefits, proper form of execution, teaching tips, common mistakes to avoid, etc. You will unlock new exercises on a weekly basis and gradually fill your skill room.

Get the Complete Picture of Dog Fitness:
Nothing Left Out

Your key takeaways from this will be:

Your key takeaways
from this will be:

Deeper Understanding

This course is thorough in its approach, explaining each move and its purpose in detail.

25 Isolated Exercises to Choose From

You will find thorough explanation of foundation exercises that are included in the weekly workouts.

Follow 6 Weeks of Done-for-You Training Plans

Follow six complete training-week schedules with 18 structured workouts, accompanied by training tips, planned regeneration days, and various difficulty levels. You will never run out of ideas on how to continue and progress.

* Utilize downloadable Workout PDFs to organize your notes and keep track of your progress.

ADIC Mockups Included pdfs

Real Results From Real Customers
all Around The Globe


FUNdamentals k9
conditioning course

Discover Experts Secrets of Canine Conditioning

By Purchasing Now, You Receive Immediate Access To:

Essential Guidelines​

  • How to reach your dog’s full potential, and peak performance abilities
  • Get to know your dog, their body structure, and its role in activities
  • Begin to grasp the biomechanics behind exercises
  • Gain a clear understanding of weight distribution
  • Discover how to teach and perform the exercises correctly
  • Gain the best strengthening affect outcome
  • Tips to better sits and downs
  • Master the effective use of stable and unstable equipment

25 Strengthening Exercises
for Isolated Body Parts and Full-Body Workouts

  • Bonus chapter: Mobility exercises
  • Bonus chapter: Speed Training and Plyometrics

Crucial Guidelines for Proper Warm-Ups & Cool-Downs

  • Crucial Guidelines for Proper Warm-Ups & Cool-Downs
  • Improve performance right away and reduce the risk of injuries

Altogether: 52 Video Lessons + 51 Written & Pictorial Explanations for Complete Mastery

  • Enhance your educational experience with comprehensive visual and written explanations for a deeper understanding
  • Divided into easily accessible chapters
  • Structured for target strengthening of the front, rear, and core

Comprehensive Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Detailed tips for exercise observation
  • Exercise guidelines and safety notes for proper execution
  • Troubleshooting tips to address potential issues and gain the best strengthening outcomes

Unlimited Access: Lifetime Availability to the Complete Course Content

  • Exercises that remain valuable throughout your dog's entire life
  • Timeless learning: A course with no starting or ending dates
  • Progress at your own pace, tailoring the difficulty level to keep up with the content
  • Restart anytime: Take a break from training and resume the course at your convenience
  • Train with different dogs whenever you desire

User-Friendly Course Compatible with Any Device

  • Comprehensive, step-by-step, and well-structured
  • A ready-to-use course that balances simplicity with depth
  • Learn from the comfort of home or during your daily nature walks
  • No expensive equipment required, utilize everyday items for effective workouts

Easy-to-Follow Course with Weekly Chapter Progression

To facilitate easy learning and maximum progress, the workout chapters will be made available to you on a weekly basis, gradually unlocking new content within each chapter.

Fun Quizzes to Test Your Learning

These quizzes serve as a delightful way to reinforce what you've learned, challenge yourself, and track your progress.

Exclusive Facebook Community for Enhanced Support

We have your back in every corner of your dog fitness journey!

Our closed Facebook group is a safe space to open up and move forward. Members chat about fitness, share progress, get the guidance, and motivate each other within the cool Dogs4motion family!

Certificate of Completion

after finishing the course​


But you can join for a small fee today. 

We always strive to further upgrade our course. Thus we cannot promise you
this amazing offer isn’t going away. If one of the links below still work then you’re good to go.

✔ Lifetime access
✔ Visual content
✔ Easy to use
✔ FB Private Group
✔ 30 days money back guarantee

or 2 installments of  $136
All prices in USD

Wait! There's More …
You’ll Get These Amazing Extra Bonuses Too!

Bonus 1 - 18 structured workouts

  • 6 complete training-week schedules with 18 structured workouts
  • Training tips
  • Planned regeneration days
  • Several difficulty levels
  • Never run out of ideas on how to continue and progress

Bonus 2 - Skill Room (25 Exercises)

  • A complete library with every exercises available
  • Easily accessible in one place
  • Look back for instant tips anytime you want to
  • Refresh your knowledge when you need to
  • Perform isolated exercises withouth searching through the whole course

Bonus 3 - Mobility Room

  • Active stretching & flexibility exercises
  • Improve active range of motion and flexibility in your dog’s limbs and spine on a regular basis
  • All combined in one place for easy and fast access

Bonus 4 - Downloadable Workout PDFs

  • Organize your notes
  • Keep track of your progress
  • Follow weekly workouts
  • Wave and keep the notes - forever!

Based on Science

This course is product of:
➤ Science-based veterinary
➤ Canine sports medicine knowledge
➤ Personal training experiences
➤ Thorough research
Exercise has significant physical and psychological benefits for dogs. One of the most important is extension of health span, the length of time that a dog remains healthy and active.

1Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
(Zink et al, 2018)

Muscles act as shock absorbers for the joints, thus exercises that strengthen periarticular muscles can have a protective effect.

2Essential Facts of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in Companion Animals
(Bockstahler et al, 2019)

Appropriately conditioned performance and working dogs perform better and are less likely to suffer injuries. When injuries do occur, they tend to be less severe, and recovery is faster. In addition, fit working dogs suffer less stress, which translates to greater stamina and longevity as working dogs- -a win- win situation for both dog and client.

3Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
(Zink et al, 2018)

Trusted By Experts

»My dogs now always stay in shape and compete on the highest level injury free!«

»FUNdamentals is not suitable only for young dogs in sport, but also to keep retired dogs as fit as possible so they can follow the youngsters with daily activities! Just like with human atheletes, also with dogs the major preparation starts away from the main sport.

Dogs4Motion offers the whole package; Off the competition season my dogs besides daily hikes mostly do dog fitness and hydrotherapy to stay in shape as only strong and fit dogs will be able to compete in the highest level injury free.

Combined with regular physiotherapy I strongly believe this is the way to get dogs best! All my dogs are happy to be a part of Dogs4Motion team!«
Maruša Podjed, Slovenia
Veterinarian, Agility World Championship member and multiple medalist with 3 different dogs, member of European Open since 2012, European Open Champion individual & team in 2018, AWC and EO Vice-champion

Creating the Course with Active Dogs in Mind: Including Yours!

Creating the Course with Active Dogs in Mind:
Including Yours!

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Featured Video: I Work with Many Canine Athletes on a Daily Basis as the Founder of the Dogs4motion, Veterinary Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center in Slovenia.

Unveiling the Inspiration Behind My Program Design:
It’s Not What You’d Expect!

I know exactly what it feels like not knowing:

  • Where to start?
  • What to do?
  • How to do it the right way?

Worrying about whether you’re overloading or skipping something.

Being afraid that you’ll do something wrong and harm your loyal buddy.

When I was a veterinary student, I struggled a lot with finding good educational content.

I wanted to help my sweet puppy Genie after she broke her tibia in an accident when she was only 10 weeks old.

I still remember the heartbreaking look of those big sad puppy eyes.

My biggest concern was whether she’d ever be able to be active again.

I had no idea how to prevent her from future compensatory issues.

And above all …

How to enable her to grow up into a healthy, active, and wild adult.

Now I was on the mission – searching for the missing key!

I dug deeper and deeper into the field of canine conditioning, sports medicine, and rehabilitation.

It became my passion, guiding me forward and into the canine rehabilitation field even after I graduated with a degree in veterinary medicine.

I also went on to create a foundational online conditioning academy that changed the lives of thousands!

But, throughout all of this, I continued to compete in agility – I have been an active trainer and competitor in several dog sports with my own dogs for the past 18 years.

All this has helped me to understand their needs better … And how important it is to take care of their well-being – from their puppyhood to their senior years.

And with that, after years of work and research, I finally found the missing key for our beloved athletes:

FUNdamentals K9 Conditioning Course was born!


With this online course, you will improve your dog’s physical and mental abilities in a fun, easy and effective way.

You can do it whenever you want, wherever you want.

From the comfort of your home or even when wandering around on your daily walk in nature.

You don’t need an expensive training menu or sophisticated equipment.

Any old piece of furniture or an object from the environment will do.

This course is a product of all my personal experience and knowledge!

I am excited and proud to share these tips and tricks with you!

So far I’ve been able to help 3749+ participants from 6 different continents all around the globe.

Get started with your dogs today, because they are worth it!

Jana Gams, DVM, CCRP

  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana)
  • CCRP – Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (University of Tennessee)
  • Founder of Dogs4motion, Veterinary Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center in Slovenia
  • Active competitor on international levels and FCI Dog Training Instructor in Agility and FCI Obedience
  • 18 Years of Dog Training & Competition Experience

We Stand Behind You:

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Because Your Satisfaction Matters

180-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Because Your Satisfaction Matters

I am so confident in FUNdamentals Course that I’m willing to “put my money where my mouth is” and back up your purchase with a 100 % money-back guarantee. 

If you don’t feel FUNdamentals Course is right for you, I’ll refund every cent you paid – no questions asked.

Course Curriculum

  • Welcome!
  • How to use this course
  • Join the community
  • Before we begin …
  •  Teaching the skill, working out, progressing
  •  Playing it cool: safety notes
  •  Warm-ups and Cool-downs: The Alpha and Omega
  •  Bony landmarks: Get to know your dog
  •  The Front: it’s role in activities and body structure traits
  •  The Rear: it’s role in activities and body structure traits
  •  The Core: Center of gravity
  •  Test your learning
  •  IMPORTANT! Set good foundations
  •  Biomechanics of Exercises: Understanding weight distribution is the key!
  •  Starting points: Front Feet up
  •  Starting points: Rear Feet up
  •  Your first assignment time!
  •  Balanced standing position: stand still on two objects
  •  FF / RF Transitions
  •  What are SETS and REPETITIONS?
  •  Position changes to begin with: Sit, Down, Stand
  •  Tips to better sits and downs
  •  Cavaletti exercise
  •  Got stuck and in need of help?
  •  Three more exercises to master before the Workout weeks
  •  Test your learning
  •  Introduction to the Skill-Room
  •  Starting points: FF up
  •  Starting points: RF up
  •  Stand still exercise
  •  FF / RF Transitions
  •  Rock back Sit to Stands
  •  Down to Stands
  •  Tucked Sit to Kickback Stands
  •  Cavaletti
  •  Figure 8
  •  Cookie Shifts
  •  High fives
  •  Crawling
  •  FF down stepping
  •  Push back up
  •  Lateral side stepping
  •  Transitions Advanced
  •  Play bow to Stand
  •  Pivoting
  •  Walking backwards
  •  Sit to Stand Ups
  •  Plank
  •  Twist Ups
  •  RF down stepping
  •  Semicircular Cavaletti
  •  Cavaletti Extended
  •  Mobility Exercises


  •  Let’s start!
  •  Test your skills
  •  How to work out?
  •  Workout Week 1: Handouts
  •  Workout 1.1: Total circuit
  •  5-min Skill Time: Crawling
  •  Workout 1.2: Rear + core
  •  Resting day
  •  5-min Skill Time: FF down stepping and Push back up
  •  Workout 1.3: Front + core
  •  Resting day
  •  It’s too easy! – Is it, really?
  •  Workout Week 2: Handouts
  •  Workout 2.1: Front + core
  •  5-min Skill Time: Lateral side stepping
  •  Workout 2.2: Total circuit
  •  Resting day
  •  5-min Skill Time: Transitions Advanced
  •  Workout 2.3: Cardio
  •  Resting day
  •  Ways of Strengthening
  •  Workout Week 3: Handouts
  •  Workout 3.1: Total circuit
  •  5-min Skill Time: Pivoting
  •  Workout 3.2: Total circuit
  •  Resting day
  •  5-min Skill Time: Walking backwards
  •  Workout 3.3: Front + core
  •  Resting day
  •  Quality before quantity
  •  Workout Week 4: Handouts
  •  Workout 4.1: Cardio
  •  5-min Skill Time: Plank
  •  Workout 4.2: Total circuit
  •  Resting day
  •  5-min Skill Time: Twist ups
  •  Workout 4.3: Rear + core
  •  Resting day
  •  Training basics: The big picture
  •  Workout Week 5: Handouts
  •  Workout 5.1: Core
  •  5-min Skill Time: RF down stepping
  •  Workout 5.2: Total circuit
  •  Resting day
  •  5-min Skill Time: Semicircular Cavaletti
  •  Workout 5.3: Front + core
  •  Resting day
  •  Going forwards
  •  Workout Week 6: Handouts
  •  Workout 6.1: Cardio
  •  5-min Skill Time: Cavaletti Extended
  •  Workout 6.2: Total circuit
  •  Resting day
  •  Workout 6.3: Total circuit
  •  5-min Skill Time: It’s your turn!
  •  Resting day
  •  Congrats! Here’s what’s next …
  •  More resources for you
  •  Before you go …

Satisfied Participants Share Their Success

»You don't need an expensive or sophisticated equipment and you can practice wherever you want.«

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Yvonne Belin, Switzerland

Canine Freestyle, Pluri-Swiss-Championship, European Champion 2013, Vice-World Champion 2014, World Champion 2016

»My dog is now safe from injuries, solid on a dolg walk and confident when doing agility!"«

YouTube player

Victoria Greymont, USA

Active competitor in Agility

»All the exercises have alternatives for older or injured dogs so I can easily make more repetitions or make it harder or easier, depending on their needs.«

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Eva Lacnakova, Czech Republic

Multiple AWC and EO agility member, Bronze Team AWC Turku 2019

»Exercises are included to improve muscle, joint and spine flexibility and range of motion, so you will notice a change in your dog upon completion!«

YouTube player

Tomoko Nakaminami, Japan

Active competitor in Agility

The Best Dog Trainers Out There Have Already Invested
Heaps of Time and Money For In-Person Training …

The Best Dog Trainers Out There
Have Already Invested
Heaps of Time and Money
For In-Person Training …

... to work through the exact exercises you’re getting
in this course today for just a small fee!

Have a Taste

Let me show you one of the exercises that you can find in this course:
A full video tutorial on the Cavaletti exercise!

YouTube player

Watch this video and learn everything about
cavaletti in a trot:

✔ the strengthening benefits and correct performance
✔ how to set the optimal distance for your dog
✔ what is the correct height
✔ how to teach them to reach optimal performance
✔ and possible troubleshooting to the troubles you might run into during training them with your dog

Going over cavaletti rails really is a perfect exercise to improve overall strength and body awareness. We love it – how about you? ❤

There are 25 detailed exercises just like this inside the Skill Room, which you get as a special BONUS when you enroll in our online course. 💪

Minimal Equipment Needed


Two non-slippery platforms.

You can use two lower planks or targets that your dog can comfortably step on or target with either their front or hind paws.

It can be a simple do-it-yourself wooden platform or foam pad, or you can always use some items from your household inventory.

Set of bars

A set of cavaletti cones and bars or any kind of poles from your home inventory (such as brooms, rakes, hiking poles, etc.) can be used.

A non-slip surface

If you don’t have a non-slip floor, I would advise you to use a mat or carpet that you can place in the room where you normally train (such as a yoga mat, carpet, or foam puzzles that you can clip together).

Ideal for 6+ months old pups, but an early start is possible.

Start with the basics and progress gradually.

This course is most suitable for dogs at least 6 months old to begin with workouts, and to fully participate in all exercises. If you have a dog younger than 6 months, you can still join the class, starting with basic exercises and gradually progressing. However, for puppies, building endurance isn't your goal just yet, nor is muscle mass gain, so you might want to rather join our FUNdamentals for Puppies course first - a course dedicated specifically to puppies and growing dogs (suitable for puppies starting as early as at 8 weeks of age).

At a young age, you should first be building up proprioception, balance, body awareness, recruiting proper muscle activation, and improving the brain-to-muscle connections. We always promote safe, controlled, and low-impact body use.

This Is for You If

You want to know more about your dog’s body so you can play to their strengths and increase their efficiency.

You’ve reached a plateau in your training (you don’t know how to take things to the next level).

You know your dog is capable of more on the field! (they are not as precise as you know they could be, they can be sloppy and miss things or knock down bars).

You feel sympathy for your dog and it pains you to have to frequently keep them on rest.

You’re curious and want to learn more about muscle function and HOW your dog actually moves through the agility field.

You’re scared to have to go through the same injury with your dog again (but really want to continue with the sport as you see how much they love it).

You want to minimize the risk of injury with your dog when running agility.

The Success Stories of Trainers and Competitors
Speak for Themselves

FUNdamentals online strength and conditioning course is full of great exercises and information packed, Jana is very knowledgeable and her responses are extremely detailed. Thank you Jana and team!

Highly recommended!

Naarah Cuddy – Great Britain

Agility World Championship member in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019. Founder of Into Shape Agility

This was absolutely super online course. There were very good exercises and really good theory part. I am really happy that I entered my dogs to Fundamentals online course. Jana’s feedback for all the videos was very thorough.

I am really satisfied how my dogs looked after the course and how much better was their coordination.

Birgit Piho, Estonia

Active competitor in Agility, FCI Obedience and IGP

Opportunity To Take Part In a Course Like This
Rarely Comes Around!

A course with this much knowledge and depth regarding dog fitness has never before been seen in such a simple, and easy to follow, ready-to-use format!

Does this Suit me?

The program is designed to suit all age stages of dogs:

  • Puppies.
  • Young dogs.
  • Adults.
  • Sporting, working or family dogs.
  • Oldies goldies who will benefit from some extra proprioception work.
Ideal for 6+ months old pups, but an early start is possible.
You can start as early as with a puppy after age 9-10 weeks (of course the basics only) and then progress. It is important that you follow the recommendations on how to adapt exercises for a certain age of pups. We explain everything within the course. 
The basics are a great way to start working with a puppy/young dog. You will get them used to reward-based training and working with food. You will also familiarize them with different kinds of objects, platforms, and materials.
Progress at your own pace to master the exercises. For serious workouts included in this class, it is better to wait a little longer. Your puppy should understand the principles of learning and being rewarded.
This course is a great way for puppies and young dogs to learn how to use their bodies. In safe, controlled, and low-impact conditions. Dog fitness is also a great way to build a strong bond with your dog and have lots of fun.
Remember. You will get lifetime access to all content. You can decide to spend weeks or months teaching the foundation behaviors first. You can move to the workouts when you become ready.
You don’t need to worry the course will end before your puppy is old enough for it.
The difference is in the number of repetitions, and equipment setups.
You will be impressed with how you can make the same exercise as easy as possible and super difficult for top athletes!
This will further benefit you if you own several dogs with different needs!

Yes, we are sure. We have plenty of proof to back it up. Not just Border Collies. From Poodles to German Shepherds. You name it. All breeds are welcome here. We love all of them. Dog fitness even help breeds with longer backs.

The program is also suitable for dogs with long spines. You will help them develop core strength which is super important for them. Using low equipment/platforms does the trick and the fact that we are working with the dog in front of us!
Yes! FUNdamentals is very beneficial for doing obedience and/or rescue work with your dogs

In FUNdamentals, dog owners work on improving the symmetry and active range of motion of their dogs’ bodies. Having a weaker body part can negatively affect balance and predispose the dog’s body to further damage, as well as overload the spine due to structural deficits, the effects of unilateral work in particular dog sports, past injuries, or chronic compensatory issues.

This program is much more effective with food. It requires precision and repetition in exercises that are difficult to achieve with a toy reward.
Does your dog eat daily meals? If so, you can switch from using a bowl to using the food as a training reward.

Health and safety concerns

Yes. The program is made by Jana Gams, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner. It is also recommended by other experts and backed up by science. 

No special equipment is required! You can always use some stuff from your house inventory!
A simple do-it-yourself platform or foam pad will suffice.
It is good to have some basic fitness equipment. Or more, if you want to add in some difficulty.
If you want to buy anything, a simple balance mat will do, and for the rest, you can improvise. 
No, you do not.
You and your dog can be complete beginners and you will still be able to follow the course. You will discover the foundations to start with canine conditioning safely and effectively. If your dog is used to reward-based training (like taking food from your hand) you are good to go! You and your dog will learn everything through the course. You will start with true basics and continue to build strong foundations.
If you are an experienced handler (or have an experienced dog), relax. This course will challenge you and keep you both occupied as well.

Yes! You will be able to strengthen your dog’s whole body equally and in the right way. You will be guided with easy-to-follow step-by-step explanations and videos.

Yes! For example, when dealing with issues like:


  • Mild hip/elbow dysplasia.
  • Hypermobility.
  • L7/S1 problems.
  • Lower back issues.
  • Tight hip flexors.
  • Problems with older dogs.
  • Other specific health problems.
  • Past injuries.


To improve the support to the hips, you need to strengthen the musculature around weaker hips. At the same time, you should focus on strengthening the core. This will allow your dog to move with more balance and in an effective way.
We also have quite some dogs with lower back issues who joined the course and benefitted from it greatly.
There are also guidelines throughout the class for dogs with hip dysplasia, to make the exercises as safe as possible.
The instructor Jana Gams is qualified in canine rehabilitation. You will be able to apply the easiest variation of each exercise, depending on the case. You will discover how to adapt each exercise for the best strengthening outcome. You will learn how to choose the right setup in order not to overload this part of the body.
You can also request Jana Gams’s feedback to make sure you’re doing exercises the right way. We will make rehabilitation plans to rebuild muscle and strength. It is important that you adapt them to your dog’s conditions and current abilities. If you believe your case is different, don’t hesitate to contact us:!

This course is designed as a self-study program. Relax. For a small fee, you can upgrade and additionally purchase a 1-on-1 personal feedback  with Jana Gams!

Certainly! We offer 1-on-1 consultations. You can read more about them here >>  Afterward, you can book your appointment by sending an email to:

Technical Questions

Yes! You keep lifetime access to the FUNdamentals course. That means you can restart it, refresh your knowledge and start with other dogs anytime in the future.
Right now one of our happy students already finished 4th round of 6 workout weeks. She said that her dog is super powerful and muscular. She feels safer doing agility and loves the feeling to do the most she can for her dog.

The next payment is due one month after the initial purchase date. For instance, if the purchase is made on July 16th, the subsequent payment will be due on August 16th.

Upon completion of the course, we will award you with this certificate. The course is primarily designed for dog owners and trainers, rather than dog professionals, although many professionals do also make use of the course.

Yes. The access to the content platform is lifetime, and it is very easy to use and navigate. Additionally, PDFs of the Weekly Workout content are available for download.

Currently, the course is only available in English, but it does come with English subtitles. However, we do plan on translating the subtitles into other languages in the future, so please follow us for updates.

Our Members Love Dogs4motion Academy!

A course with this much knowledge and depth regarding dog fitness has never before been seen in such a simple, and easy to follow, ready-to-use format!

So don't miss out! Seize the opportunity and join right now.

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