The New Fun Way To Optimally Prepare Your Dog for Agility In Only 5-10 Minutes A Day!

Foundations of
Agility Fitness

Set The Stage for a

Successful Agility Career

Easy-to-Follow Agility-Specific Workout Plans for Your Dog:
6 Essential Exercises and Full-Body Combinations

15 Thoughtfully Selected
Fun, Easy, and Effective Exercises:
Curated for Optimal Results
in Just 3-5 Minutes per Day

Skyrocket your dog’s strength, balance, and flexibility
Optimize dog training for top sports performance
Minimize the risk of injuries
Fun training from the comfort of your home
Minimal equipment needed

Watch the Video Below and See Why Conditioning Your Dog for Agility is The Best Thing You Can Do For Them …

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This Course is designed by Jana Gams, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner, an Active Competitor in Agility and FCI Obedience
Don’t miss out!

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Active D4M Academy Members


Course Enrollments


Countries That Our Members Come From

Want Your Dog To Be Strong,
Agile And Healthy & Crush It In Agility?

Hint: Begin with optimal conditioning,
and only then move on to sport-specific training.

Hint: Begin with optimal conditioning, and only then move on to sport-specific training.

Perhaps you are new to agility …

Or you’ve already got agility experience and a whole lot of aspirations …

Perhaps you hold many competitions under your belt but feel like your dog just isn’t shining as bright as they could be.

No matter your end goal – Your choice to transform your dog into an agility standout will create a cascade of positive outcomes for both you and your dog …

Not only does it make your dog stronger, increase endurance, and enhance their overall health, but it also boosts your dog’s mental prowess.

And it makes the coordination between you two as seamless as a finely-tuned orchestra,
creating a beautiful symphony of motion.

And honestly, can there be a better way to bond with your dog while also giving them the gift of a healthy and active life?

Agility is like the perfect mix of fun, excitement, fear, and everything else this beautiful sport has to offer.

The only difference is it’s your dog who is the player, and you are the coach …

And this makes it even more fun …

The problem is –

Agility Can Be A Double-Edged Sword
For Unprepared Dogs!

Like any other sports … agility needs conditioning

Agility demands strength, balance, and flexibility …

Starting your dog’s agility journey without setting the right foundations is like diving headfirst into a pool when you don’t know how to swim.

When uninformed dog owners try to train their dogs for agility or any sport …

They usually stick only to the agility field, but an agility dog’s success goes far beyond mastering jumps, turns, backsides, weaves, and running contacts.

This is why they end up putting too much pressure on their dog’s body …

Which leads to injuries and sometimes lifelong regrets for both the dog and their owners.

Did you know that as much as 41.7%1 of dogs competing in agility are forced to take week-long breaks due to injury?

But it does not have to be that way.

Once you start with agility-specific conditioning for fitness …

Agility becomes so much more fun, easy, and much less frustrating for both you and your dog.

The workouts you’ll discover in this course mimic the movements and demands of agility.

You’ll start to notice your dog will naturally transition the moves they’ve learned at home (in a safe environment) to agility training and even competitions.

So turning your dog into a top-notch athlete and getting them in peak physical shape … is the secret sauce for having a lightning-fast, strong, focused and super agile dog that leaves everyone in awe.

Master the Foundations
of Agility Fitness for a Top-Notch Athlete

From the Comfort of Your Own Home

If you were a skiing coach, would you let your new athlete hit the winter slopes without any preparation?

You would not, right?

The same is true with your dog.

If you want your dog to be active, healthy, and ready for agility …

You shouldn’t rely solely on training agility-specific skills on the field.

Unless you are aware of sports-specific conditioning and training … you will find it hard to make true progress with them.

And your chances of making crucial mistakes will increase exponentially when unaware …

So what you need is – a deep understanding of canine conditioning coupled with conditioning exercises, workout plans, and training knowledge.

You need a solid fitness foundation to truly transform your dog’s weaknesses into unstoppable advantages.

And take their agility performance to the next level!

The Missing Piece in Your Agility Performance:
Targeted and Controlled Conditioning Exercises

Foundations of
Agility Fitness
Say goodbye to:
Instead, you will:

Say goodbye to:

Instead, you will:

This Course is Ideal for:

Dog Owners Pursuing an Active Healthy Lifestyle for Their Dogs

This is for you if you want your dog to have a more active lifestyle … get them in their peak physical shape, and help them be more muscular and healthier overall.

The conditioning methodology and exercises will give your dog a headstart in the world of canine conditioning and agility.

Novice & Intermediate Agility Handlers

Want your dog to have a strong foundation which you can build his canine agility career upon? This course has everything you need to set the right foundation for a successful agility career.

Agility Experts

You have some experience and maybe hold many competitions under your belt. But do you know your dog can do much better when conditioned for optimal canine fitness? You are in the right place at the right time.

Trainers and Competitors’
Remarkable Success Stories Echo Loudly

I started working with Jana almost 3 years ago and ever since, she has been an indispensable part of our training plan. She is always there for us – for conditioning plan and workout (her tips on how to get a specific move from your dog are priceless) or regular preventive check ups and massages. Regardless of what your dogs needs are, Jana always adapts to their individual needs. She is kind and with an amazing feeling and desire to help dogs to be in best shape possible. She gives her heart into every single one of her animal clients and treats them as they were her own. I’m grateful I have a chance to work with such a person as Jana is. And seeing how my dogs adores her, I’m quite certain they feel the same. Thank you Jana!
Lea Komat – Slovenia
Agility competitor and instructor, member of Slovenian national team since 2016
Perfect class for building balance and strength for my dogs, super easy to understand and very good feedback!
Lisa Frick – Austria
International dog trainer and handler – 4 times world champion, vice European champion

Dogs give their best every time they step on the training/competition field and doing my best to keep them healthy and physically prepared for all the challenges, is something I owe them as the owner and handler. And just because of that, Jana’s conditioning classes are a huge part of our training and warming up/cooling down routine.

All exercises are designed in a way to make it as safe for the dog as possible, she puts a lot of attention to details (which is REALLY important when we come to conditioning) and on top of that, Jana knows really well how to adapt to every individual dog and give them what they need the most (when you have breeds that are not really “social butterflies”, working with someone who understands dog’s character is really important).

So thank you Jana for your great classes and for all the “live” training and check-ups! It means a lot to me, to have someone so skilled watching over my dogs!

Katarina Podlipnik Capuder – Slovenia
Dog trainer, founder of FUNtastic dog training, multiple AWC and EO medalist
Just like with human atheletes, also with dogs the major preparation starts away from the main sport. Dogs4Motion offers the whole package; Off the competition season my dogs besides daily hikes mostly do dog fitness and hydrotherapy to stay in shape as only strong and fit dogs will be able to compete in the highest level injury free. Combined with regular physiotherapy I strongly believe this is the way to get dogs best! All my dogs are happy to be a part of Dogs4Motion team!

Maruša Podjed – Slovenia

Veterinarian, Agility World Championship member and multiple medalist with 3 different dogs, member of European Open since 2012, European Open Champion individual & team in 2018, AWC and EO Vice-champion

You’re just one click away from leveling up your dog’s agility game

The 3-Part Game Plan for Your
Agility-Specific Dog Conditioning Routine

Here's exactly how you'll do it:

Step 1

The goal is to understand canine conditioning and its importance for optimal fitness. You will discover things like –

  • How to prepare your dog for training sessions 
  • The correct way for your dog to hold their posture 
  • How to achieve the desired weight distribution 
  • And much more

Step 2

 Discover The Secrets Of Canine Agility Fitness:

Everything you need to know about canine conditioning, injuries, and how to build a strong canine athlete. Inside, you will discover: 

  • How to train with a sports-specific purpose (and the SAID principle)
  • Preface to canine conditioning 
  • How to set fitness training sessions 
  • And much more

Step 3

Get To Speed With Exercises And Routines:

Get to the action fast with easy-to-follow exercises and workout routines that make agility training fun again. Inside, you will see:

  • The 6 essential exercises for an Agility Athlete 
  • 3 weeks of must-have workout routines 
  • How to play it safe and prevent hazards
  • Plus everything you need to go next level in canine agility 

Ready To Embark On This New Journey
With Full Confidence?

Enroll in this easy-to-follow comprehensive course that gives your dog the foundation they need for a stronger, more flexible, and balanced physique - plus discover the exercise routines to turn your dog into an agility standout.

Your key takeaways
from this will be:

Confidence and Clarity

Know everything you need to know about canine conditioning to start on the right path with confidence and how to enhance your dog’s flexibility, balance, and strength.

Clear Plan of Action

Discover the exercises that every agility athlete needs. Plus 3 weeks of easy-to-follow guided workout plans to supercharge your progress fast!

Deeper Understanding

Gain a deep understanding of canine conditioning for optimal fitness, the exercises, and how to avoid injuries for a long prosperous career and life!

The Success Stories of Trainers and Competitors Speak for Themselves


Foundations of
Agility Fitness

Discover the easy, fun way to turn your dog
into an agility standout, at home!

(by conditioning them for optimal fitness, strength, balance, and flexibility)

So When You Sign Up Today, You Receive Immediate Access To:

1. The Foundations Of Agility Fitness:

  • Unlock your dog’s full potential through conditioning
  • Improve your dog’s strength, balance, and flexibility

2. Sports Conditioning:

  • Conditioning your dog for optimal canine fitness through sports-specific conditioning
  • Training with the sports-specific purpose (the S.A.I.D principle)

3. The Ultimate Guide To Optimal Canine Conditioning

  • How to condition your dog while playing it safe
  • Discovering the proper postures for maximum efficiency
  • Teaching calmness in fitness performance
  • Using elevations for more muscular power (at the right spots)
  • How to read your dog and avoid fatigue

4. The Secrets To Setting Powerful Fitness Training Sessions:

  • Everything you need to know about setting a fitness training session
  • How to get to action - with powerful workouts
  • The use of stable and unstable equipment and their role in conditioning

5. Comprehensive Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Detailed tips for exercise observation
  • Exercise guidelines and safety notes for proper execution
  • Troubleshooting tips to address potential issues and gain the best strengthening outcomes

6. User-Friendly Course Compatible with Any Device:

  • Comprehensive, step-by-step, and well-structured
  • A ready-to-use course that balances simplicity with depth
  • Learn from the comfort of home or during your daily nature walks
  • No expensive equipment required, utilize everyday items for effective workouts

7. Unlimited Lifetime Access to the Complete Course Content:

  • Access your course on the go - anytime - and never lose access
  • Exercises that remain valuable for your dog’s entire agility and fitness career
  • Train with different dogs whenever you desire

8. Exclusive Facebook Community for Enhanced Support:

Get access to an exclusive FB group filled with people like yourself with a love for sports, fitness, and dogs. Ask for help whenever you get stuck. We got your back.

9. Fun Quizzes And Notes For Faster Enhanced Learning:

Along with high-quality video instruction, you get notes and quizzes to grasp every concept easily and put it to work fast


But you can join for a small fee today. 

We always strive to further upgrade our course. Thus we cannot promise you
this amazing offer isn’t going away. If one of the links below still work then you’re good to go.
Foundations of
Agility Fitness

✔ Lifetime access
✔ Visual content
✔ Downloadable PDF handouts
✔ Easy to use
✔ 30 days money back guarantee

or 2 installments of  $81
All prices in USD

Wait! There's More …
You’ll Get These Amazing Extra Bonuses Too!

Bonus 1 - 3 Weeks of Done-for-You Training Plans:

  • 3 complete training-week schedules with structured workouts
  • Training tips
  • Several difficulty levels
  • Planned regeneration days
  • Never run out of ideas on how to continue and progress
  • The keys to building a safer agility practice

Bonus 2 - Plyometric Exercise:

  • Train your dog’s muscles to produce power, so they can run faster, jump higher and change directions more quickly.

Bonus 3 - Skill Room (6 Exercises):

  • Easily accessible exercises in one place
  • Look back for instant tips anytime you want to
  • Refresh your knowledge when you need to

Bonus 4 - Downloadable Workout PDFs:

  • Keep notes and easily track your progress with done-for-you sheets and workout training examples.

Based on Science

This course is product of:
➤ Science-based veterinary
➤ Canine sports medicine knowledge
➤ Personal training experiences
➤ Thorough research

41,7% of dogs competing in agility develop an injury that keeps them from participating in agility for > 1 week.

1Internet-based survey of the frequency and types of orthopedic conditions and injuries experienced by dogs competing in agility (Markley et al, 2021)

The forces exerted upon the dog during the landing were found to be larger in dogs who were inexperienced and unconditioned, as compared to the more advanced, stronger, dogs.

2Limb dynamics in agility jumps of beginner and advanced dogs (Söhnel et al, 2020)

The forces placed on a dog’s forelimbs after landing a jump are 3-5x bigger than the dog’s body weight and the strength and stability of their front end play a big role in defying these forces.

3Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (Zink et al, 2018)

Here’s Why Canine Conditioning Is
A Prerequisite For Success In Canine Agility:

Here’s Why Canine Conditioning Is A Prerequisite For Success In Canine Agility:

YouTube player

Featured Video: I Work with Many Canine Athletes on a Daily Basis as the Founder of the Dogs4motion, Veterinary Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center in Slovenia.

After treating hundreds of agility dogs at my rehab center …

And after participating in agility competitions myself …

I can see and identify a strong, balanced and flexible dog from far away.

I can also identify which dogs have been conditioned for agility and fitness …

And have the most chances to win. Or at least finish the course in a safe way.

And which dogs are only there to endure injuries and setbacks.

So over my decade-long career, I have seen more dogs than I can count getting injured on the field.

For only one reason-

A lack of optimal fitness, strength, balance, and flexibility in dogs.


After seeing so many lovely dogs meeting unfortunate fates … I decided to roll up my sleeves and provide dog owners and handlers the solution to making their dog a true agility standout.

So I combined my decades of agility experience, canine conditioning experience, and veterinary medicine experience …

To create a course that provides the right foundations for agility dogs and even turns normal everyday dogs into athletic dogs.

This course that I created soon became a favorite among so many agility enthusiasts …

Only because it provides all the right knowledge, tools, and tricks to have a perfectly conditioned dog who can conquer agility and will benefit in other sports and everyday life as well.

So here’s my big promise:

  • You will understand the foundation of canine conditioning for optimal fitness, strength, flexibility, and balance 
  • You will discover the exact workouts to turn your dog into a superb athlete 
  • And your dog will be able to go next-level in canine agility with carefully-crafted workout routines and injury prevention measures 
  • Plus, much more.

Jana Gams, DVM, CCRP

  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana)
  • CCRP – Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (University of Tennessee)
  • Founder of Dogs4motion, Veterinary Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center in Slovenia
  • Active competitor on international levels and FCI Dog Training Instructor in Agility and FCI Obedience
  • 18 Years of Dog Training & Competition Experience

100% Satisfaction

30-Day Guarantee

Once you go through the course and turn your dog into a strong healthy athlete, you will appreciate the positive impacts of this program …

Yet … if anytime you feel like you are not getting what you wanted out of the course, we will refund every cent you spent. No questions asked – 100% refund.

You have nothing to lose, only a resilient, flexible, well-balanced, and perfectly conditioned canine athlete to gain. Therefore, enroll in the course now!

Hear The Voice of Satisfied Trainers and Competitors

»You don't need an expensive or sophisticated equipment and you can practice wherever you want.«

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Yvonne Belin, Switzerland

Canine Freestyle, Pluri-Swiss-Championship, European Champion 2013, Vice-World Champion 2014, World Champion 2016

»My dog is now safe from injuries, solid on a dolg walk and confident when doing agility!"«

YouTube player

Victoria Greymont, USA

Active competitor in Agility

»All the exercises have alternatives for older or injured dogs so I can easily make more repetitions or make it harder or easier, depending on their needs.«

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Eva Lacnakova, Czech Republic

Multiple AWC and EO agility member, Bronze Team AWC Turku 2019

»Exercises are included to improve muscle, joint and spine flexibility and range of motion, so you will notice a change in your dog upon completion!«

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Tomoko Nakaminami, Japan

Active competitor in Agility

Don’t Make The Costly Mistake Of Ignoring The Strengthening Aspect of Training

Don’t Make The Costly Mistake Of Ignoring The Strengthening Aspect of Training

If you wish to turn your dog into an agility standout - conditioning them first is not an option - it’s a necessity. It’s time you get them in their top physical shape soon and guarantee your agility success!

Minimal Equipment Needed

You can always just use some stuff from your house inventory!


At least two non-slippery platforms of different heights.

You can use a lower plank or target that your dog can comfortably step on/target with either their front or hind paws.

Additionally, you can use a larger object that your dog can easily sit on such as a simple do-it-yourself wooden platform or foam pad.

Set of bars

A set of cavaletti cones and bars, or a set of 5 jumps that you can use for some of the jumping/cavaletti exercises.

A plank​

A plank covered in a grippy surface that is slightly longer than the length of your dog’s body, and slightly wider than your dog’s body width.

Some of the exercises can be performed on inclines/declines, so it’s good if you use a longer plank, perhaps even the one you use for your contact training!

Begin at 8 Months

Specifically Designed for Adult Dogs and Young Dogs Over 8 Months

This course is most suitable for dogs at least 8 months old to begin with basic exercises and workouts, and at least 12 months old to fully participate in all exercises.

If you have a dog younger than 8 months, you can still join the class, starting with basic exercises and gradually progressing.

However, for puppies, building endurance isn't your goal just yet, nor is muscle mass gain, so you might want to rather join our FUNdamentals for Puppies course first - a course dedicated specifically to puppies and growing dogs (suitable for puppies starting as early as at 8 weeks of age) or our FUNdamentals K9 conditioning course for active dogs (suitable for young, at least 6 months old, dogs, and inexperienced/unconditioned adults).

At a young age, you should first be building up proprioception, balance, body awareness, recruiting proper muscle activation, and improving the brain-to-muscle connections. We always promote safe, controlled, and low-impact body use.

Real Results from Real Customers All Around the Globe

FUNdamentals online strength and conditioning course is full of great exercises and information packed, Jana is very knowledgeable and her responses are extremely detailed. Thank you Jana and team!Highly recommended!
Naarah Cuddy – Great Britain

Agility World Championship member in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019. Founder of Into Shape Agility

This was absolutely super online course. There were very good exercises and really good theory part. I am really happy that I entered my dogs to Fundamentals online course. Jana’s feedback for all the videos was very thorough.

I am really satisfied how my dogs looked after the course and how much better was their coordination.

Birgit Piho, Estonia

Active competitor in Agility, FCI Obedience and IGP

You’re One Click Away From Enhancing Your Dog’s Accuracy, Strength, Balance, and Focus!

This is for you if you want to make sure your dog gets into their best physique and takes their agility performance to the next level…

So you can train them in agility with total confidence without worrying about injuries …

And without second guessing if they are ready yet.

This course offers easy-to-follow, practical, and step-by-step guidance.

It enables you to proceed confidently, assured that you’re performing tasks correctly and staying on track.

Once you finish the course, you will have a deep understanding of how to properly condition your dog for agility success.

More than that, you will have all the tools you need to take your agility performance to the next level … minimizing the risk of injuries and setbacks.

Inside the course, we are going to reveal all crucial canine conditioning secrets and exercises that produce visible results in just a matter of weeks …

Without investing more than 5-10 minutes a day.

However, these exercises are so enjoyable and provide a perfect opportunity to bond with your dog that you’ll likely find yourself eagerly anticipating that “training time” of day.

You will see proven exercises every agility athlete should perform … I do these with my own dogs as well.

You will also discover a bonus exercise and 3 weeks of done-for-you workout plans that take everything to the next level …

Plus, you will get access to a close-knit FB group community of caring dog owners and agility enthusiasts like yourself.

After the course, you’ll feel a lot more confident in your dog’s physique, knowing you’ve done everything to prepare well for the agility field.

So, jump on board, and let’s have some fun together.

Does this Suit Me?

The program is suitable for all healthy agility athletes, including beginners, experts, and those preparing to start. It also accommodates dogs returning to the sport after a break, whether due to the off-season, having had puppies, or recovering from an injury with clearance to participate again.

If your dog has recently recovered from an injury and requires a gradual strength-rebuilding process, please email us at We will assist you in determining the appropriate starting time for the exercises based on your dog’s current recovery stage.

Furthermore, when dealing with specific conditions such as past injuries, joint pain, or other weaknesses, it is crucial to have regular check-ups with a specialist to monitor your dog’s well-being. You can also opt for our 1-on-1 personal consultations for further guidance tailored to your dog’s unique situation.

There’s no minimum age requirement. Ideal for 8+ months old pups, but an early start is possible. Start with the basics and progress gradually. Dedicated lesson on exercising young dogs, with clear explanations. Follow recommendations and adapt exercises based on the pup’s age. Promotes safe, controlled, and low-impact body use. Strengthen bond and have fun through dog fitness.

Since you have lifetime access to the course, you can spend the initial weeks and months teaching foundational behaviors before transitioning to more challenging exercises when your dog is ready. You don’t have to worry about the course ending before your young dog is old enough to fully participate.

The difference lies in the number of repetitions and the equipment setups you choose to use. You will be impressed by how you can modify the same exercise to be foundational and easy or super difficult for top athletes!

This class covers all the variations for changing up these exercises, making it an additional benefit if you own multiple dogs with different needs.

Although this course focuses on sport-specific fitness for agility and includes more advanced exercises, it is suitable for complete beginners. The course covers all the foundational aspects of canine conditioning, allowing you to safely and effectively enter this field.

The only prerequisite is that you and your dog are familiar with reward-based training, specifically taking food from your hand. If you have that, you’re ready to start! It’s also helpful if your dog knows basic behaviors like sit, lie down, and give a paw, as this will make it easier to teach certain exercises.

Experienced handlers and dogs will also find the course challenging and engaging.

Absolutely! You will have the opportunity to effectively strengthen your dog’s entire body. The course provides clear step-by-step explanations and instructional videos to guide you along the way.

It is much more effective with food as it requires precision and repetition in exercises that can be challenging to achieve with toy rewards. If your dog eats daily meals, you can switch from using a bowl to using the food as a training reward.

Health and Safety Concerns

If you have a dog that recently recovered from an injury and you’re looking to safely regain strength and return to agility, Agility Dynamics in Control is the perfect course for you. It provides valuable information about agility, canine athletes, and safer play techniques to minimize the risk of recurring injuries.

The instructor is fully qualified in canine rehabilitation. However, when dealing with specific conditions like past injuries, joint pain, or weaknesses, it’s crucial to have your dog regularly checked by a specialist to monitor their well-being.

If you’re unsure whether the course is suitable for your dog’s individual case, especially if they have recently recovered from an injury, feel free to contact us at We’ll assist you in determining the best starting time for the exercises based on your dog’s recovery stage. Additionally, you can apply for our 1-on-1 personal consultations for further guidance tailored to your dog’s specific situation.

Having a compromised dog emphasizes the importance of performing exercises correctly and at their ability level. Personalized feedback is recommended to ensure maximum safety and efficacy for your dog. Jana is available to provide such feedback based on her expertise, guiding you to take the right approach and perform exercises in a way that benefits your dog’s condition and abilities.

If you have access to some basic fitness equipment (or if you want to add in some difficulty), this is a plus, but it’s not necessary when signing up for this class – you can always use some stuff from your house inventory!


  1. Two non-slippery platforms of different heights, such as a lower plank/target and a larger object for sitting.
  2. A set of cavaletti cones and bars, or a set of 5 jumps for jumping exercises.
  3. A grippy surface-covered plank, slightly longer and wider than your dog’s body.
  4. Optional basic fitness equipment or items from your house inventory for added difficulty.

Yes! Strengthening the musculature around such weak joints is of the greatest importance! It will help improve your dog’s stability and add desperately needed support to the joints.

In this class, we also focus on strengthening the core, which is needed to achieve a balanced and effective movement throughout the body.

The program is made by Jana Gams, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner. So, not only approved but even made by one!

This course is not just for Border Collies! From Poodles to German Shepherds, and beyond. You name it. All dogs that enjoy the game of agility are welcome here. We love all of them. Dog fitness even helps breeds with longer backs, that highly benefit from some extra core strengthening.

Fret not, we have your back. Although this is a self-study program- you can always opt in for one-on-one personal feedback with Jana Gams. Or go for other options.

But the course is designed in a way (with notes and videos, both) that it’s highly unlikely you will get stuck.

Certainly! We offer 1-on-1 consultations. You can read more about them here >>  Afterward, you can book your appointment by sending an email to:

Yes, you can enroll in this course and turn your dog into a strong canine athlete at home. The exercises need minimal equipment that you might already have at your home.

Technical Questions

Absolutely! With the Agility Dynamics in Control course, you will have lifetime access. This means you can revisit the course, reinforce your understanding, and start with new dogs whenever you desire in the future.

One of our delighted Academy members has already completed one of the courses four times within the six-week workout period. She has reported that her dog has become incredibly strong and muscular. She feels more confident in her agility training, enjoying the satisfaction of giving her dog the utmost care and support.

Yes. The access to the content platform is lifetime, and it is very easy to use and navigate. Additionally, PDFs of the Weekly Workout content are available for download.

Currently, the course is only available in English, but it does come with English subtitles. However, we do plan on translating the subtitles into other languages in the future, so please follow us for updates.

The video material is not downloadable, but the PDFs are. However, access to the online classroom is lifetime and the content platform can be reached very easily from any device (phone, tablet, or computer), and is very simple to use.

Our Members Love
dogs4motion Academy!

If you haven't been doing conditioning exercises that mimic the motions and demands of agility, or if you're still unsure whether your training plan is appropriate, now is the perfect time to seek guidance. These are the exact exercises I use with my own dogs to ensure they are optimally prepared.

So Don't Miss Out! Seize The Opportunity And Join Right Now.

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